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Kana Yamaguchi  

Dyeing artist


​Kana Yamaguchi

大阪府出身。 2017大阪成蹊大学芸術学部美術学科卒業後、 2019年金沢卯辰山工芸工房 入所。
Born in Osaka,Japan.
2017 Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts.

Osaka Seikei University
Faculty of Art and Design,Department of Fine Arts. 2019 admitted to Kanazawa Utatsuyama Kogei Kobo.

my works is created by using the batik dyeing technique.
the theme of my works is transparent “Aquarium” and “Under the Sea”
I create works of art using many beautiful colors.
I want people feel like they are part of my work and feel an emotional connection to my paintings.


Selected Group Exhibitions

2014.11/4-9  グループ展「イロオト」MU東心斎橋画廊
2015.09/08-13 「へやぼし。」Loop A阪神高速ミナミ交流プラザ
2018.09/24-29「三重奏 part2(織・染)」MU 東心斎橋画廊
2018.11/07-11 二人展「365日の◯◯」IRORIMURA cref
2019.05/27-06/08 二人展「FISH HOUSE」MU 東心斎橋画廊
2020.08/15-26 二人展「海あそび」cafe&gallery musse

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